"Worship the Lord your God
with all your heart, and with all your mind, and with all your strength."

There's more than one way to worship God at St. Margaret's Episcopal Church.  In our Sunday services you'll find faithful preaching, the nourishment of Holy Communion, and a warm community where everyone is welcome.  Choose from the opportunities below to exercise your love for God, and to strengthen your faith in heart, mind, and soul.

You can view live broadcast services, or watch those previously recorded, on our YouTube channel. Download the weekly worship bulletin here. 

8:00 a.m. 

Early on Sundays, a small community gathers for a simple and quiet service of Holy Communion.  As the week dawns, take time to be quiet and still, to pray and reflect, and to receive the gift of Sacrament.

9:00 a.m. 

This service is a multi-generational gathering that is fully inclusive of children, who are encouraged to particpate up close during the gospel reading, sermon, and Eucharistic prayer.  It is a 45-minute casual service with a brief, interactive sermon that engages children as well as adults. Lift your hearts to God each week with song and prayer in a loving community.

*Christian formation classes for all ages are offered at 10:00 a.m.*

11:00 a.m.

This is our fullest expression of the beauty, substance, and depth of worship in the Episcopal tradition. Classic hymns with organ and choir, a full complement of scripture readings, and sermon, will nourish your mind as well as your soul and spirit.

Nursery care for children up to five years of age is available on Sunday mornings during the 9 & 11 o'clock worship services and Sunday school.