Pastoral Care Ministries
"Are any among you suffering? They should pray. Are any cheerful? They should sing songs of praise. Are any among you sick? They should call for the elders of the church and have them pray over them, anointing them with oil in the name of the Lord." James 5:13-14
As a community of faith, we are called to be the presence of Christ to one another in times of trouble, grief, and illness. Compassion is all that one needs to help another in their suffering.

Christ Child Guild
The Christ Child Guild exists in order to celebrate the birth and adoption of children into families in our congregation. Representing the congregation, members of the guild support and respond to the needs of expecting families preceding and following the arrival of a child. The group meets to pray with the family. When the child is brought to church for the first time, he or she is introduced to the congregation and presented with a cradle cross. The Christ Child Guild also helps to prepare the Faith Basket, to be presented as a gift from the congregation at the child's Baptism.
When - As needed.
Who - All are welcome to join.
Time Involved - 1-2 hours, typically 2-3 times per year.
Ministry Leader: Kris Alexander

Intercessory Prayer Team
"Intercessors" are those who pray for others. Participants on this team simply pray regularly for those on St. Margaret's prayer list, and for those who submit prayer requests through our website.
When - Any time you like on a regular basis.
Who - All are welcome to participate.
Time Involved - Daily, for as long as your schedule permits.
Ministry Leader: The Rev. Mary Vano

Lay Eucharistic Visitors
The ministry of the Lay Eucharistic Visitor is to provide the sacrament to those who are hospitalized, homebound, and in nursing homes. It is an extension of our Communion - some of the bread and wine that is blessed each Sunday is reserved each week to take to those who cannot be with us in worship. Some of our LEV's have one or two persons to whom they regularly bring the sacrament. Others of our LEV's may be "on call" for occasional pastoral needs. LEV's are trained to lead a brief prayer service before sharing the blessed bread and wine of Holy Communion.
When - A Home Communion kit may be taken at the end of Sunday worship, and then delivered on your schedule.
Who - All are welcome to join.
Time Involved - A home visit usually takes about 30 minutes. Each LEV may determine how often they will serve.
Ministry Leader: The Rev. Mary Vano

Martha's Guild
Remember Martha? She was Mary's sister in Bethany - the one who did all the cooking and cleaning when Jesus came to visit. Martha's Guild is a group of volunteers that get busy in the kitchen when it's time for a funeral or memorial serivce. Their ministry to the grieving is to provide hospitality for the family, and to organize and offer a beautiful reception so that the bereaved may instead focus on praying, worshipping, and comforting one another in their loss.
When - As needed (usually a few times a year).
Who - All are welcome to join.
Time Involved - 1-3 hours each time.